Applecross, Western Australia
Spring 2022 - Current
Property of Plus Architecture
The existing building is innovatively repurposed, adapted, and extended to create a contemporary and functional space with a childcare centre, medical suites, serviced apartments, and commercial tenancies, offering diverse amenities for the community.
The design focuses on bringing large portion of external spaces into the design while pushing the internal spaces outwards to blur the outdoor-indoor spaces. The use of natural materials and integration of green facade, solar energy focus operation, and passive solar design principles make this project a sustainable building in its conception and experience. The adaptive reuses the existing structure, reduces upfront carbon emissions and results in a high-quality cost-conscious design. Furthermore, the design also included ample opportunities for public art and activation at street levels on both sides of the building further enhance its appeal to make it a recognizable landmark in the neighbourhood.
The project development approval has been granted and design development is currently progressing.